No to Antisemitic Hate Speech Online

Jewish Community of Berlin

Nein zu Judenhass im Netz! Development, implementation and evaluation of a multiplier training course to combat anti-Semitic hate speech on the social media of young people – A collaborative project.

Jewish Community of Berlin

The RESPOND! Team at the Jewish Community of Berlin includes the Community’s Antisemitism Representative, Sigmount Königsberg.

Our cooperation with the Jewish Community in Berlin facilitates the transfer of knowledge between researchers and practitioners. The ongoing dialogue gives us insight into the Community’s relevant experiences with antisemitism in Germany, as well as the existing forms of antisemitic hate online. Furthermore, our collaboration with the Jewish Community of Berlin is key in helping us recruit young Jewish people for our empirical studies. Finally, one of the central tasks of the Community is to assist us with disseminating the results of our studies among the general public to promote a dialogue on these issues with the citizens. 

Sigmount Königsberg

Antisemitism Representative

Jewish Community of Berlin

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