No to Antisemitic Hate Speech Online

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Nein zu Judenhass im Netz! Development, implementation and evaluation of a multiplier training course to combat anti-Semitic hate speech on the social media of young people – A collaborative project.

Hochschule Bielefeld Team

The RESPOND! Team at Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI) includes our Principal Investigators, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Dobslaw and Prof. Dr. Michael Stricker; our research associate Justine Kohl; as well as an excellent student assistant, Jennifer Jenz.

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts contributes an interactive and intersectional perspective into the RESPOND! Project. In order to achieve this, it examines the interactive side of identity construction in the context of antisemitic hate speech. Our Bielefeld RESPOND! Team views hate speech in the social media as a performance constructed through communication, particularly verbal communication.

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Dobslaw

Principal Investigator

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Dobslaw is a Professor for Counseling and Psychosocial Intervention at Hochschule Bielefeld. As a practitioner, she has extensive experience working with clients, especially those who are at risk of participation restrictions and social stigmatization. One of her research interests relates to how social roles are constituted and reproduced in the interaction between groups of actors in social work from an ethnomethodological perspective. Within RESPOND! she will lead the focus group investigation exploring young people’s capacities and vulnerabilities to anti-Semitic hate rhetoric online.

Justine Kohl

Research Associate

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Justine Kohl completed her master’s degree in linguistics at Bielefeld University. During and after her studies, she worked there for several years as a research assistant in the “Language and Communication” department. Through Hochschule Bielefeld (Department of Social Work) she is now working in the RESPOND! project as a research assistant. In the context of her dissertation, she would like to explore subtly held manifestations of anti-Semitic hate speech microanalytically and in the interactive course – methodically, she follows the approach of conversation analysis.

Jennifer Janz

Student Assistant

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Wanja Hemprich

Student Assistant

Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

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